
Monday, December 24, 2012

So blessed!

While sitting in church yesterday I got carried away with my thoughts. I was looking around at the amazing ward that we get to go to church with every Sunday. I got thinking about just how lucky I am! I've already been given the greatest Christmas gift a girl could ask for, my sweetheart, Jose. I am so lucky to have this amazing man in my life! As I looked around, I saw a sweet man in our ward who is spending his first Christmas without his sweetheart. A couple who is holding onto every last second they get to spend together. And many people going through divorces, I thought of my best friend, Elsa, who doesn't get to be with her husband because he's away at work. There are so many people who whatever their circumstances, don't get to be with their loved one. I realized just how lucky I am that I do! So this Christmas I am going to enjoy every last second I get to be with Jose. I want to make memories that we will look back on and laugh with each other. It's not about the presents, even though I love giving presents! It's all about spending time with those you love! So Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you get to spend this holiday season with those you love most!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Busy busy!

Life sure does get busy this time of year! I can't believe we just celebrated our second thanksgiving together! We had a great day! We got to sleep in, then we had thanksgiving around lunch time with my family. After eating all that yummy food we headed off to see Red Dawn. It was pretty good minus the last 10 minutes. Then we went to Walmart to check out their Black Friday sales, we got some great movies for great prices! The next day we headed down to Orem for the weekend. But, first we stopped at temple square to see the lights. It was weird being there without any snow, but we kind of enjoyed it because we weren't freezing the entire time. Saturday we spent with Jose's family playing soccer, going to the movies, and having a BBQ. On Sunday Jose had the great opportunity of giving his little brother the priesthood, he did a great job! Yesterday we put up our Christmas tree and now all we need is some presents to put under it!

Monday, November 12, 2012


So I haven't blogged in a few days because my sweetie took me away for our anniversary.  He sure did spoil me and I had a blast with him!  Friday afternoon we headed down to Salt Lake.  We checked into our hotel, the Little America, which we were so surprised by how nice it was!  We loved it! Then we went to dinner and a movie.  Great start to an amazing weekend!  Saturday we woke up and headed to the temple.  It was so special being in the temple that we got married in a year ago!  I can't believe it's already been a year!  After the temple we went shopping.  We discovered that most of the stores at City Creek are pretty expensive so lets just say we didn't buy much!  Then we headed back to our hotel to get ready for the evening.  We went to Applebees for dinner then went to the Jazz game, it was a blast and we had some pretty amazing seats!  Then yesterday we got to go spend some time with his family which was great because we haven't seen them in awhile.  So that was our exciting weekend.  So for today I am grateful for my sweet husband!  He is so good to me and I absolutely love being married to him!  He is constantly making me smile! He never stops!  He always knows what to say when I'm having a bad day!  He is my best friend and he puts up with so much for me!  I am so blessed to have him in my life!  I am so glad we had the chance to celebrate this special day together!  Thank you sweet heart for everything that you do for me and for the amazing weekend! I love you!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I love music so much!  Me and my sweetheart have been saying it's our "anniversary week" because Monday is our anniversary so we've turned it into a week long celebration!  I've loved every second of it.  But what I'm getting at is that every day this week he has dedicated a song to me.  I know isn't he sweet?!?! I think music is wonderful!  It can strengthen us when we're feeling down.  It can describe exactly how we feel when we can't find the words.  I made this picture and it's the lyrics to Rascal Flatts Bless the Broken Road which was the song we danced to at our wedding.  This song describes my feelings for my amazing husband so perfectly!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So I will admit I was not happy about the results of last nights elections.  But I absolutely love this gospel.  The church came out with a statement congratulating President Obama for his win in the election.  Here is a link to what they said if you haven't seen it church statement. Then I read on my amazing friend Jess's blog a quote that she put up.  It was pretty great! to summarize it, it just said that we need to be positive and not criticize this great nation that we live in, and that we need to be positive.  I just feel like at a time like this we all need to have faith the church has faith and we need to follow it's example right now.  I'm grateful for the great example that the church sets and I hope that I can set a good example for the church.  So I'm going to try really hard to not say anything negative about the situation and have faith!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today I am grateful for the amazing fall weather we have been having lately!  I know it's suppose to end this week so I'm enjoying it while it lasts!  I wore flip flops today!  I feel like usually we go straight from summer to winter so the last few weeks of warmer weather have been great and I've loved every minute of it!

Monday, November 5, 2012


I absolutely love children!  I am so glad I got into a profession where I am surrounded by them all day!  They make life fun!  I love the things that they say!  The kids in my class are always making me laugh!  Yesterday I substituted in primary which was a blast!  Then there is my adorable niece and nephews!  They can always bring a smile to my face!  I cant wait for the day when I have children of my own!